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I will do my best to get him to post again

(The next couple of paragraphs are from me—Krisy. I thought you would enjoy a little of this backstory.

One of the assistants at our church, Abraham Olorunlowo, graciously told me he would set up a Fb page where I could post updates on Rene. The thought was it would make it much easier for me to let people know how he was doing during his hospitalization and recovery. The page was created under “Rb Ouellette.” I posted the initial thought about our journey beginning. While we were at the hospital the first night, our daughter, Katie, FaceTimed us with this account. Curtis, her husband was reading the original post and as he was reading he thought, hmmmm this doesn’t sound like what dad-in-law would normally write. He continued to read. “Nooooo, he is just not this “wordy”, and he continued reading what had been written. Then the light turned on and he said, “This is not dad-in-law…this is mom-in law.” Apparently I’m the wordy one. Well it gets even funnier as I was retelling this to our other son-in-law, Thomas. I got about half way through when he stopped me and said “Mom, I thought the exact same thing!”

I guess I use an over abundance of adjectives .

So I asked Rene, who truly is the writer in our family, to give me some thoughts from his perspective. He continues to amaze me with his attitude, with his faith, and with his courage as he makes his way through this maze of unknowns with such grace.

And now for the rest of the story penned by the one who is living his faith out in such a way to bring all the glory and honor to the One he loves with all his heart….)

     These have been days of Provision.

The amazing kindness and generosity of God through His people is truly astounding. Cards, gifts, texts, food, flowers have filled our home and our hearts

One of the most touching came from a 5 year old named Kynlee, the granddaughter of fellow church members. Inside a sweet card was a baggy holding $6.45, and instructions to us it for “pills or medicines.”

      These have been days of Purpose.

Though I have no idea how God will use the loss of my voice for His Glory, I have no doubt that He will. You see, God is always at work. And, if we walk in the Spirit, He is using us; often in ways of which we are completely unaware. A pastor who came to the last service I preached at our home church told me he had been called to preach in a service where I had preached years earlier. A young man wrote reminding me of a conversation I had with him at my book table, which had blessed and influenced his life. A veteran church planter texted to remind me of encouraging words I had shared with him and his fiancé many years ago. While these experiences “rang a bell” when they were mentioned to me, i had forgotten all of them. And God is still at work. Today. Now. In your life and mine. It is our job to be yielded instruments that He can use. The bat may not know whether it has hit a foul ball, a single or a home run. But the batter knows.

      These have been days of Peace.

God has “kept our hearts and minds.” We do not ask why, but we wait with sincere anticipation to see what is next. As Ira Stanphill wrote many years ago,

I don’t know about tomorrow, i just live from to day.

I don’t borrow from its sunshine, for its skies may turn to gray.

I don’t worry o’er the future, for I know what Jesus said,

And today I’ll walk beside Him, for He knows what is ahead.

Many things about tomorrow, I don’t seem to understand,

But I know Who holds tomorrow. And I know He holds my hand.

    These have been days of Partnership.

From the unceasingly kind attention of my dear wife, (crushing medicine so it can be taken through the feeding tube, continually washing my sweaty t shirts, keeping my ice cup full, getting 7 cans of food into me each day) to the amazing love and support of our daughters, (driving from Ohio to be with Krisy during surgery, setting up a Go Fund Me page to help with expenses) to the sweet and special notes from Krisy, Karissa, Katie, Ashley and Ethan. Sawyer on the phone shared her love and concern and Westin named me first and last on his prayer request paper. I have been wonderfully blessed with an amazing family

  And, these have been days of Presence.

“My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. Exodus 33:14. I have never felt alone or abandoned. Jesus said: “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” He hasn’t. And He never will.


I will do my best to get him to post again


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